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EMDR works with the past to have a fuller and more peaceful life in the present and the future. In a very effective way, it is the fastest tool used in psychology, since in a very evident way you will find changes from the first sessions.



They are the emotional wounds, psychological wounds, caused by situations and experiences that mark us and influence us in the present moment, so that we feel that we cannot really be who we really are, or act as we would like.

These experiences can be very hard lived events that have left their mark on us to this day. Or small events that at the time, from the point of view of a child, scared us, even to be recurrent events, such as being rejected, not being valued, not being loved and that cause us inner affirmations' I am not worth ',' I am not I deserve to be happy ',' I'm not enough ',' I can't do it '...



It is recommended in patients with a wide variety of problems, such as anxiety, sadness, depression, stress, nervousness, panic attacks, relationship problems, communication difficulties, self-esteem problems, relationship problems, difficulties in coping with working life, fears, situations mourning, obsessions, phobias ...




EMDR, stands for "Eyes Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing", that is, "Desensitization and reprocessing through eye movements."

It is a highly innovative and effective therapeutic approach, recognized by the American Association of Psychologists and Psychiatrists, the World Health Organization, and International Clinical Guidelines. In 2009 it was recognized as the most effective therapy to address blockages and traumas.

EMDR facilitates the adaptive reprocessing of information from experiences experienced as traumatic, which have been blocked in memory and which affect us in the present. It is about the desensitization of the traumatic information and the consequent disappearance of the symptoms. In this way, discomfort is eliminated.

Disturbing emotions, negative thoughts, unpleasant physical sensations, and unwanted behaviors are addressed. By doing so, the person is able to feel love, calm, peace and feel better about himself.


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